“Welcome!” A Note From The Webmaster
Hello there!
This is David Crandall writing — no not Dave Crandall from the California Melody Boys, this is his son, David, engineer and webmaster behind this website.
I wanted to take a quick moment to welcome you to the new California Melody Boys website! I have been diligently working on this for the last couple of months, and I’m proud to share it with you!
This website will be continuously updated by The California Melody Boys. Each of them will come here from time to time and share updates with you, from new tour dates, to new music, photos, and general news & updates about the group.
I wanted to make something easy to use, so you can get ahold of any CMB info you may need, but I wanted to give you all something a little more personal than the average website. Over time, each member of the group will come here to share updates with you; you’ll be able to leave comments and interact with me, other site visitors, as well as Dave Crandall, Larry Martin, and David Donald individually.
More to come!
The website itself is not yet complete. There’s much more to come, including:
- Music players – so you can listen to CMB on the go, or sample tracks from their albums.
- Online ordering – you’ll soon be able to order any (or all) albums CMB has to offer in exchange for a small donation.
- Other enhancements – to make the site more efficient for you. More features will be added to the site to make it easier for you to find venues where CMB will be performing, find the group on social media, and making CMB music part of your daily life.
- Feedback welcome – If you’re having trouble visiting the site, finding something you’re looking for, or if you have an idea about how to make the site even better, all ideas are welcome! The best way to do share your ideas is to contact me directly at [email protected]
Thank you for visiting
Be sure to check back often to see all our latest updates!